Digital Products

Simple Commerce supports both physical and digital products.

When a product is classified as a Digital Product, customers will receive a link to download their purchased products after checkout. If you're selling software, Simple Commerce also generates license keys for each product so you can verify your purchases using a basic license verification API.

Making a product "digital" & adding downloadable assets

By default, all products are classified as "Physical" products. However, you can easily flip the switch and change a product to a "Digital" product using the Product Type toggle:

Product Type toggle

After switching to a Digital Product, you'll see two fields appear in the sidebar:

  • Downloadable Assets - The files the customer should be able to download after checkout.
  • Download Limit - The maximum number of times a product can be downloaded. Leave blank for no limit.

If you're editing a product with variants, these fields will instead show in the options for each of your variants.


If you'd like to send your customers an email notification after they've purchased digital products, add the following to your config/simple-commerce.php config file.

'notifications' => [
'digital_download_ready' => [
\DuncanMcClean\SimpleCommerce\Notifications\DigitalDownloadsNotification::class => [
'to' => 'customer',
'notifications' => [
'digital_download_ready' => [
\DuncanMcClean\SimpleCommerce\Notifications\DigitalDownloadsNotification::class => [
'to' => 'customer',

Learn more about Notifications in Simple Commerce.

Customising the default view

If you wish to customise the default email view, you can publish it with this command.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="sc-digital-products-views"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="sc-digital-products-views"

You'll then find the published views in your resources/views/vendor/sc-digital-products folder.

Using your own notification

If you wish to have full control over the notification being used here, you may simply replace the class name.

License Keys

Simple Commerce will automatically generate license keys for each digital product that is purchased. This is often useful when selling software, where you want customers to enter a valid license key before they can use your software.

License Verification API

We've included a basic verification endpoint which you can use to check if a customer's license key is valid. Before you can use the endpoint, you'll need to enable Statamic's REST API.

Once enabled, you can simply make a POST request to /!/simple-commerce/digital-products/verification with a JSON body containing the license key you wish to verify.

"license_key": "IpebSuXft9Koio5GgP7TSRdtl"
"license_key": "IpebSuXft9Koio5GgP7TSRdtl"

A valid response will look like this:

"license_key": "IpebSuXft9Koio5GgP7TSRdtl",
"valid": true
"license_key": "IpebSuXft9Koio5GgP7TSRdtl",
"valid": true

And an invalid one will be like this.

"license_key": "IpebSuXft9Koio5GgP7TSRdtl",
"valid": false
"license_key": "IpebSuXft9Koio5GgP7TSRdtl",
"valid": false

Overriding the license key generation logic

By default, we create a serial license key which you can give to your customers. However, you may want to customise where the code comes from or maybe you want to send it away to a third party service.

To do this, you can create your own license key repository which implements the one provided by this addon.

To register your repository, you'll need to bind it to our LicenseKey facade. You can do this in your AppServiceProvider.

$this->app->bind('LicenseKey', App\Repositories\LicenseKeyRepository::class);
$this->app->bind('LicenseKey', App\Repositories\LicenseKeyRepository::class);

Download History

Every time a customer downloads a product, Simple Commerce keeps track of it. We store the timestamp & the customer's IP address for reference.

The download history log looks like this:

- product: d113c964-d254-4f6b-931b-686348f36af5
quantity: 1
total: 9000
id: a50a22d3-432f-4b6c-85db-48ea7ba92036
license_key: COt2IXuPqP6VTg3cfXmqQmP0
download_url: 'blahbla.test/link-for-download'
- timestamp: 1613228831
- timestamp: 1613228828
- timestamp: 1613228746
- timestamp: 1613228722
- product: d113c964-d254-4f6b-931b-686348f36af5
quantity: 1
total: 9000
id: a50a22d3-432f-4b6c-85db-48ea7ba92036
license_key: COt2IXuPqP6VTg3cfXmqQmP0
download_url: 'blahbla.test/link-for-download'
- timestamp: 1613228831
- timestamp: 1613228828
- timestamp: 1613228746
- timestamp: 1613228722