Building a custom gateway

There's a couple of cases where you might end up building a custom gateway. Either you need to extend an existing gateway and maybe send more/different information to the processor or you may need to connect with a payment processor that we don't include support for.

Different types of gateways

Simple Commerce supports two types of gateways: on-site and off-site.

On-site gateways - these are gateways where the customer will enter their payment details directly on your site, using the {{ sc:checkout }} tag.

Off-site gateways - these are gateways where the customer is redirected to the payment gateway's website in order to enter their payment details. Once entered, they'll usually be redirected back onto your website. Mollie is a good example of this.

Creating your gateway

To get started: use the make:gateway command to generate the boilerplate code for your Payment Gateway. The first parameter will be the class name of your gateway, while the second should determine the type of gateway you'd like to generate: onsite or offsite.

php please make:gateway PayMate onsite
php please make:gateway PayMate onsite

Once created, you'll find the newly generated gateway in your app/Gateways folder.

Handling on-site payments

On-site gateways will have a number of checkout-related methods:


This method is called when you submit the {{ sc:checkout }} form. It should return an array of payment data that'll be saved onto the order.

If you need to display an error message, you should throw a GatewayCheckoutFailed exception.


This method should return an array of validation rules that'll be run whenever the {{ sc:checkout }} has been submitted.


This method should return an array of validation messages that'll be used whenever the {{ sc:checkout }} has been submitted. This method isn't mandatory.


Taken directly from Simple Commerce's Stripe implementation, here's an example on how to implement these methods for an on-site gateway:

public function checkout(Request $request, OrderContract $order): array
$paymentIntent = PaymentIntent::retrieve($order->get('stripe')['intent']);
$paymentMethod = PaymentMethod::retrieve($request->payment_method);
if ($paymentIntent->status === 'succeeded') {
return [
'id' => $paymentMethod->id,
'object' => $paymentMethod->object,
'card' => $paymentMethod->card->toArray(),
'customer' => $paymentMethod->customer,
'livemode' => $paymentMethod->livemode,
'payment_intent' => $paymentIntent->id,
public function checkoutRules(): array
return [
'payment_method' => ['required', 'string'],
public function checkoutMessages(): array
return [
'payment_method.required' => 'The Stripe Payment Method is required when submitting the checkout form.',
public function checkout(Request $request, OrderContract $order): array
$paymentIntent = PaymentIntent::retrieve($order->get('stripe')['intent']);
$paymentMethod = PaymentMethod::retrieve($request->payment_method);
if ($paymentIntent->status === 'succeeded') {
return [
'id' => $paymentMethod->id,
'object' => $paymentMethod->object,
'card' => $paymentMethod->card->toArray(),
'customer' => $paymentMethod->customer,
'livemode' => $paymentMethod->livemode,
'payment_intent' => $paymentIntent->id,
public function checkoutRules(): array
return [
'payment_method' => ['required', 'string'],
public function checkoutMessages(): array
return [
'payment_method.required' => 'The Stripe Payment Method is required when submitting the checkout form.',

Handling off-site payments

Off-site payment flow

  1. After the customer has filled their information/shipping address, they're redirected to the payment gateway's website
  2. The customer enters their payment information on the payment gateway's site.
  3. The payment gateway sends a request back to Simple Commerce using a webhook, letting it know the payment is complete (or if it's not, that it's failed)!
  4. The customer is then redirected back to the callback URL and presented with a "Thanks for your order" page.

Redirecting to payment gateway's website

To redirect a customer to the payment gateway, you can use the {{ sc:checkout }} tag, just include the name of the off-site gateway you wish to use. Like so:

{{ sc:checkout:mollie redirect="/thanks" error_redirect="/payment-error" }}
{{ sc:checkout:mollie redirect="/thanks" error_redirect="/payment-error" }}

In the above example, mollie is the off-site gateway.

However, bear in mind that where-ever you use that tag, the customer will be redirected away from your site. So it's probably best to have it sitting on it's own page.


When anything changes payment-wise on the order, the off-site gateway will send a request to the configured webhook URL letting it know the status of the payment.

Webhook URLs look a little something like this: /!/simple-commerce/gateways/YOUR_GATEWAY_NAME/webhook


When you're going through the payment flow in your development environment, you will need to use something like Expose or Ngrok to proxy request to your local server. Otherwise, Mollie wouldn't be able to hit the webhook. You will also need to update the APP_URL in your .env.

Now, in your gateway, you can do whatever you need to do to check the status of the payment & update the order's status if necessary.

public function webhook(Request $request)
$mollieId = $request->get('id');
$payment = $this->mollie->payments->get($mollieId);
if ($payment->status === MolliePaymentStatus::STATUS_PAID) {
$order = OrderFacade::query()
->where('data->mollie->id', $request->get('id'))
if (! $order) {
throw new OrderNotFound("Order related to Mollie transaction [{$mollieId}] could not be found.");
if ($order->paymentStatus() === PaymentStatus::Paid) {
public function webhook(Request $request)
$mollieId = $request->get('id');
$payment = $this->mollie->payments->get($mollieId);
if ($payment->status === MolliePaymentStatus::STATUS_PAID) {
$order = OrderFacade::query()
->where('data->mollie->id', $request->get('id'))
if (! $order) {
throw new OrderNotFound("Order related to Mollie transaction [{$mollieId}] could not be found.");
if ($order->paymentStatus() === PaymentStatus::Paid) {

Callback URL

The Callback URL is where your customers will hit when being redirected back from your payment gateway.

It's the code that'll decide if your customer is redirected to the redirect URL you specified earlier (as a parameter on the {{ sc:checkout:NAME }} tag) or the error_redirect tag.

An example is provided below of how we handle this in the PayPalGateway:

public function callback(Request $request): bool
$order = OrderFacade::find($request->get('_order_id'));
if (! $order) {
return false;
$paypalOrder = $order->get('paypal')['result'];
$request = new OrdersGetRequest($paypalOrder['id']);
$response = $this->paypalClient->execute($request);
return $response->result->status === 'APPROVED';
public function callback(Request $request): bool
$order = OrderFacade::find($request->get('_order_id'));
if (! $order) {
return false;
$paypalOrder = $order->get('paypal')['result'];
$request = new OrdersGetRequest($paypalOrder['id']);
$response = $this->paypalClient->execute($request);
return $response->result->status === 'APPROVED';

Depending on your gateway, it's possible that your customer may reach your callback URL before the webhook request has been processed. You may wish to check-in with your gateway's API directly in the callback method.

Fieldtype Display

fieldtypeDisplay might be a bit of a confusing method name. However, this method is responsible for what's displayed when the payment for an order is viewed within the Control Panel.

It's recommended that text returns the payment's ID (or something else that's unique to the payment) and the url be the URL to view the payment in the payment gateway's dashboard.

If your payment gateway doesn't have a dashboard, url can be null.

Digging deeper

If you need more information about a specific method or what parameters should be passed in/out, please review the Gateway contract which includes some helpful docblocks.