Upgrade Guide: v6.x to v7.0



Please don't upgrade multiple versions at once (eg. from v5 to v7). Please upgrade one step at a time.

To get started with the upgrade process, follow the below steps:

1. In your composer.json file, change the duncanmcclean/simple-commerce version constraint to ^7.0:

"duncanmcclean/simple-commerce": "^7.0"
"duncanmcclean/simple-commerce": "^7.0"

2. Then run:

composer update duncanmcclean/simple-commerce --with-dependencies
composer update duncanmcclean/simple-commerce --with-dependencies

3. Next, please ensure you have cleared the route and view caches:

php artisan route:clear
php artisan view:clear
php artisan route:clear
php artisan view:clear

4. You're now running Simple Commerce v7. Please review this upgrade guide for information on changes which may affect your project.

Please test your project locally before deploying to production!


High: Statamic support

Affects all apps using Simple Commerce

The minimum version of Statamic is now 5. Please review the Statamic 5 upgrade guide.

PHP support

Affects apps using PHP 8.1

The minimum version of PHP is now 8.2. We highly recommend upgrading all the way to PHP 8.3.

Previous upgrade guides

You may also view a diff of changes between v4.x and v5.0